My Dearest EZPass,
I know that this relationship is new to both of us and we're both still very excited, but I am concerned that perhaps we're moving too fast.
I know this may hurt you, but I'm trying to be the responsible one here and pump my brakes a little bit. It's just so hard to slow it down when you encourage me to continue on full speed ahead.
You and the extra fifteen minutes of my day that you've given back to me really do mean the world. I don't want to ever have to let you go because of this foolishness. Please, if you can, try to understand.
My EZ-pass and I have a similar affair. However, he now feels that I take him for granted and am using him. However, I have no services to provide him. How can i not take advantage of his efficiency and convenience?
ReplyDeleteI've really been wanting to say something to mine as well. I've noticed that he's started to debit my checking account. It's kind of a bit too early on in our relationship for him to be hitting me up for cash, don't you think?