First and foremost, the cell phone must be charged.
You must assemble a small arsenal of pharmacy essentials: Advil, Tampax (not just for personal emergencies, but also for use in bartering future favors from desperate colleagues), Chapstick, backup Chapstick (cuz those suckers disappear faster than socks in a dryer), contact rewetting solution, and my favorite little vice – cherry flavored Halls.
Then, of course, there’s the buffet of snacks and beverages that someone maintaining a metabolism like mine requires on a bi-hourly basis. (It’s been suggested that I eat more before noon than Super Yummy Boyfriend eats all day.)
And then there is the sweater for ridiculously cold air conditioning. The flip-flops to wear between the parking lot and the office. The umbrella in case the weather is different “up north”. It’s not like I can just run home during lunch to grab something I’ve forgotten.
Clearly, considerable foresight is essential…or else my normal workday could turn into one of those first day of school nightmares. You know the kind? Where a lucid dream leads you through half a morning without a bookbag and pants, and none of your dream buddies alert you until lunchtime? AWKWARD. And I know, because I’ve actually been there.
For some people work is just work. For's a serious excursion. Gotta be prepared.
Let's all thank our lucky stars that you are now working in an office where a) you would have been ogled at long enough by 8:20am to help clarify the lingere omission, b) several colleagues would willingly offer you lotion (in exchange for that tampax and other sundries) and c) typically the office temperature all summer is a balmy 65 degrees which requires one to layer up (thus destroying any cute, flirty yet work appropriate ensembles) and prevents any nipple slips!! See....don't we all feel lucky now?!
ReplyDeleteCherry Halls? Sounds like a "sweet" vice! Love it!