Perhaps it’s because it is Friday, or perhaps it’s because I had an
incredible apple cinnamon bagel with my coffee this morning, but I’m in a good mood. I even managed to maintain my good mood for the entirety of my 94 mile morning commute. I know that you must be incredibly disappointed that my pH is so balanced, but have no fear – I’m sure that next week’s entries will be acidic enough for a Pepcid.

In the meantime, I thought I’d update you on the status of my tolling:
I haven’t yet procured that EZpass. Besides my tendency to procrastinate on all things that require research, I actually enjoy the sound of the clink, clink, clink of exact change hitting the basin. It’s strangely gratifying, not unlike those fabulous Wheel of Fortune quarter slot machines. SPIN! “BIG MONEY, BIG MONEY, BIG MONEY!” I know I’m spending money. I know I’m not
really gonna get anything back for it in the long run (though the parkway feigns improvements). But it’s something to occupy my time; and just like gambling, queuing up to pay a toll can be just entertaining enough to throw a few quarters at it.
This morning, for example, as I sympathetically decelerated by those waiting in the “I-don’t-have-EZpass-or-exact-change-and-I-am-basically-completely-unprepared-to-be-commuting” Cash lane, I witnessed a driver neglecting to maintain the customary toll lane distance of 1 foot from the car in front of him as he dug up his bills. Meanwhile, no less than FIVE cars pulled in to the lane in front of him. Now, had he been the last car in the lane, I wouldn’t have found this as entertaining; however, this guy:

was behind him, waving his
New York turning signal with pride. I feel for you, buddy, I do. Have a bagel.
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