6:30 in the morning is a bit too early for the Past Our Prime and Proud Parade. If your narcissism could please pull over to the side of the road, I'll be happy to take a passing glance; but forcing me to tapdance on my brake behind you while you coast along playing out your little Cary Grant/Grace Kelly fantasy is cruel and unusual.

Save it for the silver screen, or the Riviera, or anytime and place other than the Parkway at rush hour.
Au revoir!
Funniest post yet! Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteIn other words, you've seen this too, huh? GRRR.
ReplyDeleteWhat I wanna know is what are retired people doing up this early in the morning anyway? Is it double-coupon day at the breakfast buffet and they want to be the first in line? Or does it just tickle their fancy to parade their leisure around while the rest of us are headed to work?
I hope they get shocked by a tube sock.
My dad is retired. He wakes up at 2:30am (no joke). Thank god he's not hitting the highway in his Ford Taurus (or whatever he drives) at that hour. That would call for a major heart-to-heart daughter/father convo.