Dear Little Spider hanging around in my car,

Making your presence known while I'm going 75mph down a five lane freeway is quite frankly, impolite. I would have been happy to say hi to you first thing this morning before I left the driveway. But when you're two inches from falling on my face or in my coffee while I'm trying to drive, I'm not going to be as pleasant. Now you've got me flailing around, batting at you like a pinata and it's just not safe for either of us. Should we meet again, just keep in mind that you're really hanging by a thread.
LOL!! This happened to me too like a year ago. I was minding my own business driving down the road and this not so little spider drops down from the roof of the car dangling right in front of my face! I'm glad the windows were up and the AC blasting cause I know I screamed like a girl and started flailing my hands around trying to swat it away. After much swerving it was gone and I never saw it again. I'm pretty sure it was my hap-hazard driving that probably caused it to have a minor stroke or something. I hate spiders...