It was shiny, and pretty, and the color of sparkling white grape juice: and I love sparkling white grape juice. So I maneuvered myself over three lanes of traffic to take a closer look…to drink it all in, so to speak. When I pulled in to the lane behind it, I discovered this:
Now I could be wrong, but in my not-so-humble opinion, you just don’t put stickers and decals on a Mercedes. It’s like putting powdered creamer in your coffee – don’t ruin a good thing with cheap tasteless stuff.
[Sidenote: I love when people tack up their resumes in their rear windows. Like this one guy I saw who had a very old Volvo plastered with both law school and medical school stickers, along with presumably his undergraduate alma mater. It reads: (a) this guy has too much student loan debt to get a newer car, (b) dude can’t commit (no one goes to law school AND medical school), and/or (c) this guy is two pencils short of a GED and thinks his sticker collection will get him laid. Irregardless…ain’t gonna happen, and I’m not impressed.]
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