So I’ve been thoroughly derelict in my commute-dishing duties. The holidays came and went, and with them so did my engine (I suspect). It’s responded to a good dismantling and scrubbing like a frisky puppy – shaking and whimpering, and generally causing a raucous.
I can’t say that I blame it. 200 some miles 5 days per week now for 7 or so months. It’s overworked. It’s burntout.
I thought it’s tolerance for this commute would outlast mine, but apparently “adapt and overcome” comes with a larger price tag when it’s a vehicle’s motivation in question. Other than that, there’s nothing else new to report. Still driving.
However, I will include that snow and ice and the “wintry mix” wild card
do add a new dimension to the drive. Stay tuned for a post dedicated to potholes. Coming soon.